The Book
£14.99 per copy
Tales of derring-do aside, ‘Check for Leaks’ is a personal reflection, as accurate as
memory allows, of the JIM ADS trials (and tribulations!) during the 1970’s and ’80s. Some
of the stories are suprising, some amusing and some very strange indeed. I do hope you enjoy it.
Although numbers are now limited, it is still possible to purchase a first edition of the book from
The Historical Diving Society’s website. Or, simply email me directly using the
Contact Form
on this website with your address information (stating if you would like a signed copy) and you will
be sent payment details.
Why Purchase?
- ADS operators – past, present and perhaps future may be interested to know a bit about how the
research process contributed to making things a little safer by increasing our understanding of potential
hazzards and, more importantly, how to deal with them
- Diving records – perhaps you’ve heard about some of RNPL’s achievements and want to
know a bit more about their ADS involvement
- Historical interest – places and people as they appeared over 35 years ago
- Local interest – you may live or have lived in the vicinity of RNPL
and often wondered ‘what on earth was going on in there?’
- Participant – you, a relative or perhaps someone you know may have participated
in the ADG’s activities at some point
- Scientific research – to experience the practical application of the research process
through the eyes of someone who was actually part of it
- Social interest – current or former divers, both military and civilian
- Specialist interest – ADSs, ROVs, RCVs, deep sea diving, search and rescue, human physiology